The Majesties is launching on January 21st!

I know I should probably be making this announcement on the actual day of publication as opposed to five days before. But I mean, when have I ever been practical. Plus, I know that if I don’t make an announcement now, I will most likely forget.

Sooo….yes! The Majesties will be coming out on January 21st, 2020 in the US. It is actually the US edition of my novel, Under Your Wings, which was published by Viking in Australia. But thanks to the weirdness that is territorial rights in the publishing industry, I can experience the thrill of a new novel coming out without having to finish one. (Still hammering happily away on the third Oddfits book!)

Excitingly, The Majesties has made it onto several “most anticipated books of 2020” lists at Salon, The Millions, and CrimeReads, not to mention this very cool reading challenge list of books by 52 women of color to read in 52 weeks.

It’s gotten some really good pre-publication reviews so far too! Here are a few from Publishers Weekly, Smithsonian Book Dragon (for Shelf Awareness), and Cha: An Asian Literary Journal.

And I’ve been really grateful for all the Instagram love from the book blogging community. A huge shout out to them and their passionate bookishness!

For those wondering about the gorgeous book jacket, all praise goes to the cover designer James Iacobelli and artist Joseph Lee. (Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!)

That’s all for now! On the actual day of, my current celebration plan is to treat myself to a slice of rose and earl grey chiffon cake from the cafe round the corner from my apartment.

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